Contact Information:
Scandal Response
Ethan Todd (Campaign Manager)
Date: May 1, 2020
In a recent commercial our press secretary, Hailey Schulze was called on the fact that she had advertised grossly incorrect information about how much money our candidate, Connor Van Huisen, had paid in taxes last year. In the commercial Schulze was being interviewed about our candidate and what he was planning on doing to help America if he was elected into office. The questions veered off topic a little and got into some fun things that Connor Van Huisen owns and likes to do in his free time. One of Connor’s favorite things is his pet tiger which he had bought from Joe Exotic. Hailey was annoyed that she constantly had to remind him to pay each payment while he was busy trying to fix other issues. When they were talking Hailey used the line, “He, almost, forgot to pay his taxes” regarding the tiger. This phrase was used in a sarcastic matter to humor the person interviewing her. Hailey and the interviewer both recall laughing at the joke.
To make matters worse, in the finished commercial they had edited the phrase and used, “He forgot to pay his taxes.” When Connor first saw the commercial, he took it very personal because Connor knows where that tax money goes. It goes to kids in small towns so that they can have an education and food, it goes to roads so people can drive safely to work. It all goes back to the people.
This falsely used phrase has put a toll on Connor. So, to move on from this he wants to donate $50,000 of his own money to the Education Trust, a foundation that’s working to close opportunity gaps for students of color and students from low-income families. He is hoping with this donation that he can help put a small dent in the $370 Billion unpaid taxes and help educate kids who need it. Thank you.