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The Latest Updates

Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a horrible crime that is sadly still practiced globally. Human trafficking affects numerous people across the globe...


Homework has been a tool that has been used for numerous generations; but does it actually benefit students? Homework is a controversial...


Vaccines have been proven to help prevent some diseases; however, others oppose this idea, saying that vaccines cause more harm than...

Raising Minimum Wage

Below, we discuss our campaign's view on raising minimum wage. Minimum wage is a controversial topic because some believe that this takes...

Pharmaceutical drugs

Below, we discuss our campaign's view on pharmaceutical drugs that are imported from other countries like China. Pharmaceutical drugs...


Our campaign's view on Immigration. Immigration is a controversial issue that many American's view differently. Our campaign proposes a...

Corona virus

Our view on the Corona virus pandemic. COVID19 is a raging issue in our world in 2020. Below is our campaign's applicable solution to...


Abortion is a topic that has two main views; Pro-life, and Pro-choice. Below is our campaigns views on the topic. Abortion has taken the...

Death Penalty

The death penalty is a controversial topic that has dominated headlines due to people having different beliefs on the issue Death penalty...

Oil Spills

In 2010, there was a massive oil spill that cost billions of dollars to recover from and much of the wildlife was harmed. Oil spills are...

Gun Control

Below, we discuss our campaign's view on gun control and how we believe that everyone should be granted the right to carry a gun. Gun...

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