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Opening Statement for Vice Presidential debate
Our campaign has strong viewpoints that are either for or against numerous controversial issues. For example, we support only legal immigration, death penalty in extreme cases, and certain aspects of gun control. We believe that immigration should be allowed; however, we are firmly against illegal immigration due to the issues that can arise like economic hardship, and overpopulation issues. We believe that guns should be able to be purchased only with greater restrictions and background checks in order to keep society safe. However, our campaign does believe that if one wants to own a gun, they should be able to have that right. Our campaign stands against abortion, as we believe that the child should not be suffering the consequences of the mother’s choice. We are against abortion because our campaign believes that in the end, life will always win, and no matter what, there was a purpose for that life. On certain issues like vaccinations, we believe that if one chooses not to be vaccinated, they should not be forced to, and vice versa. Our campaign strongly believes that our viewpoints benefit society the most effectively and continue to let American’s experience their freedom. The Lion Party does not endorse harmful behavior or appear careless when there are significant issues at stake. In conclusion, the Lion Party listens to the people in society, and our campaign gives individuals great freedom to express what they believe in.
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