Our campaign's view on Immigration.

Immigration is a controversial issue that many American's view differently. Our campaign proposes a solution that gives the best of both worlds to any side of the controversial issue.
“We are not anti-immigration. We are anti-illegal immigration. When you come illegally, you're a criminal. You're breaking the law.” -Jeff Hewitt
Our campaign's view
Immigration into the United States is when citizens from other countries around the world move into America. This can be a controversial issue because some people support people coming into America, regardless of the risks of terrorism or crime rates. The opposing view believes that immigration is bad because of the overpopulation rates and the problems with the economy and job rate. Immigration is a controversial issue because people have compassion on the illegal immigrants and they complain that the migrants needed to be granted citizenship in order to keep America constitutional. Others however disagree with too many people migrating because the crime rates would rise and there would be more homeless people due to the job shortages. Our campaign believes that immigration is not good for America. We believe that some people should be allowed to migrate, but there will be stricter restrictions for the people that want to enter America in order to ensure safety of the legal citizens. We do not believe that everyone who applies for a citizenship should be granted one because the people that would come into the US would not have had thorough background checks like we ensure. Our campaign believes that our view on immigration is the best of both worlds. We grant citizenship to a reasonable amount, they just have to pass a strict background check on top of a test. However, we do not give the people who failed the background check or test citizenship because we cannot risk the citizen’s safety. In conclusion, we are not completely against immigration, however, we do believe that there should be tighter restrictions for who we allow into America for the citizen’s safety.