Human trafficking is a horrible crime that is sadly still practiced globally.

Human trafficking affects numerous people across the globe and how everyone can be a target for being trafficked.
“Child slavery is a crime against humanity. Humanity itself is at stake here.” -Kailash Satyarthi
Below, we discuss our view on human trafficking.
Human Trafficking
Human trafficking occurs everyday, and between 20 million and 40 million people in modern slavery to this day. The definition of human trafficking is the action/practice of illegally transporting people from one country to another, for forced labor or sexual exploitation. This can be a controversial issue because some people use those who are insalaved on behalf of them and do things they would rather not do. People don’t see a problem because they get money out of it but they are committing a crime that does not need to be committed. They sell others to make money while making the consumers happy. Traffickers earn a global profit of around $150 billion a year, $99 billion come from commercial sexual exploitation. The opposing side would say that there is a huge problem selling people to others to make money. This is because it’s causing a problem in the economy when people are getting abducted and sold under the table. When it comes to the victums only about .04% survivors cases are identified and the rest are undetected. Our campaign is against human trafficking and will do whatever it takes to make those people feel safe again.